By J.B. Williams
August 31, 2010

Unfortunately, for Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and all of their commie comrades here and abroad, capitalists know communism when they see it and they ain’t investing in it! Hence, the sudden realization that Obama’s so-called economic recovery via communism has indeed hit a stall.

Billions in investment capital left the American free market on the mere hint that Obama might become the new temporary resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Successful investors make their living predicting the future, anticipating financial trends before they happen. In the good ole days of the free-market economy, these predictions were all based on supply-side economic trends that we have witnessed for more than 200 years of economic supremacy in the U.S.

But in recent years, those predictions have been made more on the basis of predicting government manipulation of the not-so-free markets. When the communists come to town promising to strip some of their rightful earnings and redistribute the earned wealth of some to others in exchange for their votes, he with the gold will make a new set of economic rules.

As parts of the world that tried and failed with varying degrees of socialism are now openly embracing fiscal responsibility and free-market principles, capitalists are happy to take their bird-in-hand and shoot for the two in the bush elsewhere, where the willingness to risk capital is rewarded with the potential for profit.

Call it “outsourcing capitalism,â€