Tea Party movement has gone from a populist movement that the media ignored and then smeared when they couldn't ignore it anymore, to a national force in politics

The Democratic Party is Destroying Itself

By Daniel Greenfield
Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Republican party is destroying itself. That’s the message you’ll see repeated in media outlet after media outlet. That is the liberal talking point that has been spread throughout 2008 and 2009 by the press over and over again. It’s the one they’re still repeating now, even as the Tea Party movement has gone from a populist movement that the media ignored and then smeared when they couldn’t ignore it anymore, to a national force in politics. It’s the mantra that they’re still chanting even as so many Democratic congressmen are departing that it almost feels like a coup.

As the Soviet Union kept insisting in the 70s that world capitalism was on the brink of destruction—the Greenwalds, the Krugmans and their meme spreading diggbats are insisting that the Republican party is about to be destroyed as a force in national politics. Just as the Republican party is due for a major comeback in the midterm elections. As Obama’s ratings keep sinking faster than a wet Koran in a toilet and the Democratic congress finds itself chained to a wildly unpopular health care plan that would force everyone to buy insurance from their health insurance industry backers—the old record keeps spinning. The Republican party is destroying itself.

But that is the price you pay for living in an echo chamber. The echoes may sound pretty, but only to someone who is deeply in love with the sound of his own voice. The USSR formed itself into one giant echo chamber in which everyone repeated the lies that the government wanted them to believe, until the government believed them too. And that is the real punishment of a liar, not that he will not be believed when he tells the truth, but that he will come to believe his own lies as the absolute truth. So when every level of government and media in the USSR repeated that last year’s harvest was 96 percent successful, no one could logically reconcile that with the fact that there was no actual bread anywhere to be found. Forced to choose between believing in the propaganda of a successful harvest or the reality that there was no bread—they went on believing in the propaganda, because lies had become their reality.

When in the aftermath of Scott Brown’s Massachusetts victory, Howard Dean went on Hardball to explain that the actual vote had been in support of the Public Option, you could almost see the hammer and sickle waving over his head. His argument made absolutely no logical sense, even to famous leg-tingler Chris Matthews. But they were never meant to make any kind of logical sense. Howard Dean was proceeding from the absolute belief that the American people want the most extreme legislation that Democrats can possibly think of. Not the opinion, not the ideal… but the belief. This is an absolute belief that millions of liberals share. The fact that most Americans do not want their legislation is not a fact that they can process. When confronted with it, just ignore it. Because when your premise is that Americans want your legislation, then the fact that they don’t want it does not compute.

Ideology programs people to believe things in the same way that a computer is programmed to believe things. At that point, reason and facts have absolutely nothing to do with it. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan went off to war fueled by faith that their own superiority would cause them to prevail. Setbacks and defeats could not be processed logically by their leadership—because their ideology said that setbacks and defeats were impossible. Hitler ignored the pleading of his own generals to retreat. In the last days, his bunker became an echo chamber in which his followers remained convinced that Germany would prevail even as its armies had been destroyed, and children were being thrown into the battle. And when the facts couldn’t be ignored any longer, Hitler killed himself. Just as Hideki Tojo tried to kill himself. Just as Stalin had contemplated killing himself when German troops had initially flooded across the border. Just as the Democratic party is now trying to kill itself.

Democrat nutroots insist that the only reason the party is suffering setbacks is because they aren’t being extreme enough
The madness of the left is holding the Democratic party hostage, as the nutroots insist that the only reason the party is suffering setbacks, is because they aren’t being extreme enough. Which is how rigid ideologies deal with setbacks. Which is why ideological revolutions quickly devolve into mass graves as the leadership and the cadres look for new targets to blame for “sabotagingâ€