First let me say this,
These companies say they have some bad investments, who doesn't?
They have proven they make bad investments and companies that do that, aren't supposed to be in business are they? That is the REAL free market at work, let it work. Each time you bail out a bad company, it is bad for the good honest hard working companies. You failed, too bad. Go to the end of the line and start over like average American citizens have to do everyday.

When something passes whether a government bailout or private bailout, these banks aren't going to let the money sit around until they loan the money out, they are going to send that money right to into wall street stocks to try and diversify they're positions, and make big profits by buying low and selling high.

As these companies aren't stupid and know the American wages overall are still falling, thus decreasing our stagnant and ever decreasing consuming power, the only investments that will make great profits for them here is in things people must buy, like energy, food, healthcare, clothes and basic commodities. And as they pour billions into these markets to diversify they're positions they cause a steep price jump along the way (think dollar cost averaging) and instantly make big money along the way. As the stock prices go up dramitically, so do the prices we'll have to pay, If they buy futures like oil and food products, our prices will skyrocket just as oil has done before because we aren't drilling or building power plants, so is energy getting ready to skyrocket?

The American people are left with the wotrthless paper stuff that isn't worth a dime.

I think that is the REAL PLAN FOR THE MONEY! How are they going to make all these loans when people can't make their payments now, aren't making as much money as before, and they are going to be stricter than ever before on the loans?

As the Republican House has said they are looking for a private bailout, I don't think this will happen because the crooks, the financial houses that need the bailout money only want out of the bad investments and the private investors are going to see, its basicly worthless stuff.

Everything we have been told in the last 10 years is a bold face lie, and thats why people don't care if it comes down crashing, we're ready to call their bluff this time! All this stuff they told us turned out to be plain out lies, just look at all the lies.

They said Illegal immigration is good for us...Its totally killing us.

They said the war was supposed to seek justice for our Fallen American Citizens of 9-11....where is Bin Laden?

They said Iraq had WMD and was a threat? Lies

They said Iraq oil money would pay for the war. All lies, we might even have to pay reperations to them in the future, maybe another $5 trillion.

They say, in war time the loser pays for the entire bill of both sides of the war, including our cost in lives and money, and they're own reconstruction. All Lies.

They said if you go to college and get an education you will have a good job. Another lie. Many college grads making $10 an hour, or can't find a job.

They said the un-employment rate is 5.5 to 6.3%, yet we know this is a bold face lie. All propoganda.

They said Bill Clinton paid down the national deficit. Another lie, later we found out he raided the social security trust fund which the media just seems to overlook day after day.

They said 20 years ago that not drilling for oil would make us go toward energy independence using other technology. They lied, many two person families are paying a whoping $4,500 MORE per year for gas than 2 years ago, add that to the $2,000 per year in lost income becaused of the average Americans decreased wages caused by outsourcing and illegal immigration and you have an astounding $6,500 or $541 per month that the American citizen has lost in spendable income. Gee, wonder why people can't afford mortgages?

They said healthcare cost was rising but did they ever say why? They said it was because of malpractice insurance rates and lawsuites and this and that. They lied! Its because of illegals having illegal children at $20k a pop and not paying for it, then we have to. I've talked to doctors and people that work at hospitals and I've never once heard a hospital say they are going under because of high malpractice insurance. I'm sure some doctors have got out because of this but it isn't the reason Americans are paying 1/2 of they're insurance coverage now. Which for my family comes to an extra $320 a month I have to pay. Just 5 years ago, the companies paid it. So between this exspense and the ones from the collum above ( $541/month) + ( $320/month) we're up to $860/month I'm paying that I wasn't paying just 5 years ago. Americans can't sustain these kinds of increases that go on and on for ever. One hospital in California lost $42 Million in one year from illegals having anchor babies, and didn't pay the bill, thats why healthcare is up through the roof, not lawsuites.

They said they would stop illegal immigration after the last amnesty bill. They lied. Now we have another 40 million here.

They said they would build a border fence to protect our country. They lied, they pulled the authorized money and have only built a miniscule amount of the fence.

They said they would regulate banks and stop the fruad after the last multi billion dollar scandle. They lied. Here we are again, each time the problem they PROMISE to fix gets bigger and bigger and causes hundreds of times the damages the same exact problems caused last time.

The economy is strong. Big lie.

The market is healthy, nothing to worry about. Big Lie

AIG is to big to fail. If thats so, then why are they letting other companies like JP Morgan that was in trouble just last week buy WaMu? Now, I guess its too big to fail as well, as if this is a good thing.

Market Deception. The feds have been pumping in biliions of dollars in the market every week to the tune of $500 to $700 Billion already in the past several months, thats tax payer funds, They don't mention this.

We need a $700 billion bailout today or evrything comes crashing down. This was few days ago, they are purposely stalling and won't do anything until the market starts to dip again. They'll just keep talking about it, promising to inject the $700 Bln, this keeps the stock market from crashing right now because people are buying based on the "positive" news of the bailout. Big lie to keep the stock market floating on some kind of positive news. Once the market starts downward again they will get closer to a deal.

This is about mortgages the American peole took out. Yes, people got loans they couldn't afford, Some good credit people got swindled into ARM loans. Some people just can't pay the laons now to due to the rising cost of everything else, and reduced pay. But as the borrowers might have financed 120% of the homes value, the major underlying problem is the financial companies leveraged the mortgage up to 40 times the value of the home, so they have by far contributed more to this problem than the homeowners. Its a lie to try and take blame off them, and make them sound like the victims.

Do we see a pattern here?
Of course the lies go on and on.
We know why the American People don't trust these crooks, Because they are crooks, liars and cheats. For people to make excuses for them and say, well, this problem is bigger and we must do something this time, is just ludicrist and asinine.

Then you have those people that don't believe in the New World Disorder, and I say how many times will you be duped? The politicians say one thing and then do the exact opposite, they know what they are doing, its planned, its calculated, to think otherwise is just not facing reality, especially when the New World Disorder has official writings everywhere proclaiming what they believe in, what the mission is and how they are going to do it. and now here we are. And yet people are getting everything stolen from them, living in dire times, sending the kids to baby sitting schools and they just think its all just plain old happen stance that the problems keep repeating themselves over and over, bigger and bigger each time by shear luck, then they believe the same fools that scammed them last time when they say they can fix it this time. Yeah, we're going to fix it this time, sure you are! And people just keep on trolling along believing this utter garbage.

NOW, Since they see the people waking up, seeing the pattern of lies they will try to convince us with yet another lie, thats how they work, we see the pattern, we know what is coming.
They will say the American People don't trust them, so they'll have to make false reassurances to the American People to make us think the American People are in a no lose situation, which will be a bald face lie. We know this because if these so called investments were really worth anything the very ones getting the bailout cash would then re-invest that money into the investment, but they don't want to, they want the money to invest on other things. Investors love good deals, even if it takes 5 years to relize the big profit, its security. Obviously they know that #1, the housing market is never going back up for a very, very long time which might lead you to believe there is a plan in the works for millions more illegals coming in thus dropping wages furthur, so there will be no qulifying home buyers and #2, they've learned you can't loan to illegals because they can change identity tomorrow and walk away from the loan. #3 they could rent the houses out but when you have 10 illegals living in the house the fix up cost to re-rent once they are gone is very high, and with rents high and wages low that means more people living in one house, more wear and tear. #4 I've heard that the worst of the real estate bubble isn't going to be here until Jan, 09. So there is a lot more falling in the market, they want out before this happens.

These investments will not pay off for the American People, the government says we can take the car lot full of junk cars, fix them up to make them look good and then sell them to some poor sucker for a profit, but this is plain un ethical, immoral and crooked itself. Notice how they see the crooked actions as being fair game, if your the sucker that buys the junk deal, oh well, too bad. This is another insight as to how they work, that everything they touch is all about a dollar and nothing to do with good ethical business, thats how we got here folks.

Hopefully, We are starting to realize some things this time. But it won't stop them from stealing this money, they will steal this money.