Target: The Senate of the United States
Sponsored by: The American People

Stand up for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the American people! IMPEACH every single Senator who voted FOR the McCain/Levin "U.S. is a Battlefield" bill that gives the military the right to go to the houses of U.S. citizens and take them without charges or rights to a lawyer or trial for the rest of their lives! The Senators COMMITTED TREASON directly against the United States citizens!

Never mind it saying goal of 1000 - I had put in 10,000,000!

Please pass this along to everyone! Do not fear signing it. Because if we live in fear we will have lost! This is a way of peacefully standing up and saying we will NOT allow a handful of people take away the rights and freedoms of 300,000,000+ people!

The Senators did commit treason and we the people need to hold them accountable and say, "We will not let this happen."

This vote went directly against the U.S. Citizens Bill of Rights written by our Founding Fathers. It is the basis of the country and no group of people is allowed to take away our rights! Stand up for the country and what is right! Impeach/recall every single Senator who directly voted to destroy the Constitution! ... s-without/