Insider: Obama Team to Incite Race Riots; Use White Guilt in 2012 Election
Mac Slavo
August 16th, 2011

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Divide et Impera
[divide and conquer; divide and rule]

In politics and sociology, divide and rule (also known as divide and conquer) is a combination of political, military and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures and prevents smaller power groups from linking up.

Since riots and uprisings are now en vogue the world over and with signs that they will soon reach the shores of America, would it be that much of a stretch to suggest President Obama’s election campaign would be willing to incite race riots in the hopes of guilting white Americans into casting a vote for a President who is progressively losing popularity and support at an ever accelerating rate?

The White House Insider, reportedly a disgruntled democrat operative deep inside the administration, tells all in a recent three part interview with the Ulsterman Report. While the claims sound particularly outrageous, plenty of Presidents past have taken extreme measures to secure their electability and preserve their image. The “Insiderâ€