Is Iran Busted?
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, July 30, 2007 4:20 PM PT ... 353226996#

Global Security: The Air Force is busy modifying its B-2 stealth bomber fleet so it can carry deep-penetrating bunker-buster bombs, according to recent reports. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, call your office.


The Massive Ordnance Penetrator, known as the bunker buster, is a GPS-guided weapon that carries more than 5,300 pounds of conventional explosives inside a 20.5-foot hardened steel shell. Sounds formidable. It is.

The Boeing-made bombs, which weigh 30,000 pounds each, are built to bore through dirt, rock and reinforced concrete at supersonic speeds to reach their targets: deep bunkers and tunnels.

Twenty-one B-2 stealth bombers are being fitted with 30,000-pound "bunker-buster" bombs for possible use against Iran's nuclear facilities.
Once the steel has pierced the outer layers of the targeted underground facility, a delayed-action fuse detonates the explosives.

Each B-2 has the capacity to haul two bunker-busters across long distances. Developer Northrop Grumman says the 21 delta-wing B-2s it built can fly 6,000 nautical miles without being refueled. A single aerial refueling allows it fly more than 10,000 nautical miles. As such, the B-2 can reach any point on the globe within a few hours.

"Any point" includes, of course, Iran, where the Islamist regime continues to develop nuclear weapons technology despite international pressure that it back down. Most likely, much of the work is being done underground in heavily fortified facilities.

The Natanz facility, where Tehran is enriching uranium and could produce weapons-grade material, is thought to be protected by several yards of concrete and as much 75 feet of dirt. Well protected, yes, but not out of the lethal reach of bunker busters.

While the U.S. is readying its B-2 fleet, Iran appears to be making its own preparations. Recent satellite photos show there is new digging activity in the mountains just outside the Natanz facility. Analysts believe it's linked to the nuclear complex and some in the government are concerned that Tehran is trying to harden the site ahead of a possible military strike.

That in itself is not enough reason to strike Iran. But given the regime's history of belligerence and its continued aggression, the U.S. would be fully justified in taking out Tehran's capability to make nuclear weapons.

• Iran has so far ignored pleas that it suspend nuclear development. It has also flouted two sets of international sanctions intended to make Iran's government comply with United Nations resolutions requesting it to shut down its program.

• Iran is clearly linked to terrorists in the Middle East who are killing innocent civilians and U.S. troops in Iraq.

• Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini declared war on America in 1979 after Islamist students stormed the U.S. embassy and took hostages.

• Tehran has threatened the existence of Israel, a nation that poses no danger to Iran, accords equal rights to its Arab citizens and, until recently, had the only freely elected government in the Middle East.

• Iran supports the terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas, both of which produce an unhealthy instability in the region.

Now, imagine the world with a nuclear-armed Iran.

In the late 19th century, Colt began making a .45-caliber revolver called the Peacemaker. Today, in a far different world, the peacemaker is made by Boeing. It carries a lot more punch than any pistol Samuel Colt ever made.