Freedom and Islam: Compatible or Contradictory?
by Major Gen. Jerry Curry


In this great country one of our most cherished freedoms is freedom of religion and we Americans go the extra mile in extending that freedom to others. We have even gone so far as to honor the Muslim religion of those who destroyed the World Trade Center murdering 3000 Americans and then partied in the streets around the world. The Muslims we are so careful not to offend do not reciprocate our respect, however. They believe that any individual who exercises religious freedom by converting to or practicing any religion other than Islam merits death.

Just as the Christian religion is divided into Catholic and Protestant branches, the Muslim religion is divided into branches one called Shia and the other Sunni. Even though some insist that there is a giant chasm between the theological beliefs of the two Muslim branches, in reality they are merely twin ruts in the same old dirt road. Their ultimate goal is the same, converting the entire world to Islam.

“Omar Ahmad, founder of the ‘moderate’ Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said this: ‘Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant … the only accepted religion on earth’.â€