Democrats Have Serious Connections with #OccupyWallSt
by Dan Riehl

With more revelations likely to come, initial emails released by Big Government demonstrate that not only do Democrats all the way up to the White House support the ongoing Occupy movement, they have formally partnered with it in terms of fundraising and support.

Check this out below via a leaked Occupy email first posted by Big Government. Not long ago, Howard Dean was viewed as a viable presidential candidate by the Democrat establishment, and the group he started, Democracy for America, is by no means seen as fringe by American media.

[quote]“We currently find ourselves in Phase 3. Senior members of the White House administration, and the President himself, have expressed support for OWS. Democracy for America, a Howard Dean initiated group just sent an email blast to more than a million members tonight selling yard signs that say “We Are the 99%â€