We all have reasons to be afraid

August 20, 2009

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I saw a bumper sticker the other day: "I love my country but I am afraid of the government."

I turn on the TV and there are town meetings with people who are very frightened, angry and frustrated about the bills being rushed through Congress.

Then I hear our employees, the president, speaker of the House, congressmen, senators calling us names - "fakes, rent-a-mobs, cronies of the insurance companies."

Now I am afraid of the government.

The government of the people, by the people and for the people has turned on us. It is trying to put us under its control. I include myself in the "mobs" of citizens who are very frightened of what the government is trying to do to us, the people.

I have read large segments of the health-care bill, as have many Americans. We are not ignorant dummies. Why are these bills being rushed through?

I am educated and an educator, not some mental looney as the government would like to call me.

I have taught American history for years. The representative republic that our founders designed has stood strong for more than 200 years is being severally threatened by those in government now.

These bills are dangerous, especially to those over 65, the unborn, those who are happy with their private insurance plans.

Obama and others keep saying that everyone wants this bill. Polls show that more than 68 percent are satisfied with their present health care.

Congress is not listening to the people. We are being lied to. I can only believe that the government does not want to hear from the people.

Obama and Co. think they "know what is best" and therefore they must denigrate, impugn and lie about those of us who wish to be heard concerning health care, cap and tax and economic stimulus. These bills are dangerous to all of us.

Elected people have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. The right to peaceably assemble and the right to free speech are in there.

Now we are hearing weak excuses as to why the town hall meetings are being canceled.

Yes, I am frightened by my government. When we, the people, are no longer listened to or allowed to express our concerns without being demonized or threatened with violence we are coming very close to a dictatorship.

I read a letter from a medical doctor, Dr. Dave Janda. He calls the health-care bill "hazardous to the health of all Americans."

Asked to describe the bill in one word he said, "fascist."

Those who have been elected by the people, from the president on down, need to begin to listen and learn what the majority of Americans are saying to them before it is too late for all of us to live in a representative republic where we no longer have to fear the government.

Margaret Carson lives in Fort Collins.

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