Tea Party Express

Countdown to Tea Party debate
Tea Party Debate Co-Sponsors

National Tea Party Interactive Map:

The Tea Party Debate is a truly historic, first-of-its-kind event that will bring conservative candidates for President together to discuss tea party principles, and determine which candidate has the best solutions to lead the United States of America and her people into greater freedom and prosperity.

The debate demonstrates that the tea party, which began as a small grassroots movement, has grown tremendously in size and influence to become a powerful force in American politics.

The Tea Party Debate will focus only on the core principles and values of the tea party movement: limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility.

WHEN: September 12, 2011

WHERE: Tampa, Florida

This date was chosen because it is such a significant day in the history of the tea party movement: the anniversary of the massive “March on D.C.â€