We have allowed a hateful, anti-American socialist and racist who despises this nation and all it stands for to occupy the White House

America Is Sooooooooooooo Over Barack Obama!

By John Lillpop
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It took more than nine months, and Lord knows how many tens of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money, but, at long last, the American people seem to be finally awakening to the awful truth.

We have allowed a hateful, anti-American socialist and racist who despises this nation and all it stands for to occupy the White House.

We have elected a man who mocks our anxieties over 9/11, and terrorism in general, by disassembling those homeland security measures which have kept America safe for more than eight years.

We have given a man without the experience, character or judgment needed to be Commander-in-chief direct control over the US Marines, Navy, Air Force, Army and Coast Guard. Any wonder, then, why Russian submarines our patrolling off our East Coast with impunity?

We have enabled a man who bows before foreign kings and apologizes for American leaders and policies while standing on foreign soil.

We have embraced a man more comfortable with communist dictators than proven American allies.

We have turned the most prosperous society in human history over to a naive and cynical Marxist who believes that he can reverse America’s triumph in the Cold War by bankrupting our nation with trillions of dollars spent on unneeded and foolish liberal programs.

We have elected a bitter racist who congratulates himself for ushering in the “post-racialâ€