Chilling reminder of just how badly terrorists want to kill Americans

2009 Nearly Ends With a Bang!

By Jayme Evans
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

As 2009 comes to an end, political correctness and its attendant failures nearly claimed hundreds of innocent lives… Again. Through this near miss, we are served up one more chilling reminder of just how badly terrorists want to kill Americans, the lengths they will go to do so, how close they came to actually succeeding and how truly dangerous and myopic Barack Obama’s worldview of Islamic terrorism has become.

Dangerous and myopic: Barack Obama’s worldview of Islamic terrorism
On Christmas Day, Nigerian al Qaeda operative Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab almost succeeded in bringing down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 with nearly 300 souls on board. But, for the grace of God, Abdulmutallab’s Underwear-Borne Improvised Explosive Device, or UBIED (pronounced You-Be-IED), ironically described by al Qaeda as a “technologically advanced deviceâ€