What The Heck Is Wrong With Us!!?? What Part of THEY LIE TO US CONSTANTLY Don't You Understand?
Sunday, December 16 2007 @ 01:05 PM MST
Contributed by: BMcDonald
Views: 756

Our President, our Vice President, practically every top level member of our government has been caught lying so many times I just can't believe we all aren't freaking out about it. What the heck is wrong with us!? Watch this little video that documents the chain of lies that started this war and keeps it going and then tell me why you are not outraged?

Video 1

http://www.kickthemallout.com/article.p ... ng_With_Us

How can you watch this, day in and day out and not be incredibly upset by it? Our government is run by a bunch of lying criminals and a huge number of us simply shrug our shoulders. We are about to attack Iran, a country that is no more of a threat to us than Iraq was and there is absolutely no outrage about it! They are lying about the need to attack Iran just as badly as they lied about why we had to attack Iraq. They've even lied about what happened on September 11, 2001. They had the plan to attack Iraq on the table before 9-11 happened and have shamelessly exploited it every since. Watch this short video that revisits the events of 9-11 and tell me if you don't feel they have lied to us about that horrible day as well.

The Top 4 Unanswerd Questions About 9-11

video 2 same link

http://www.kickthemallout.com/article.p ... ng_With_Us

I swear, there is something terribly wrong with us. I can't help but think it has to be some kind of brainwashing, social engineering or something. It's just not normal to be so passive in the face of such obvious, outrageous behavior of our government. We have to acknowledge that something is very wrong and fast or we are not going to survive as a nation much longer. I mean, it's almost impossible to get an appropriate emotional response out of the average American anymore. Massive criminal activities are going on, our liberties and freedoms are being stripped right in front our faces in the name of "protecting us" from the terrorist threat when our own government is literally slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people! And we think it's okay because it's needed to protect us from this horrible terrorist threat. It's a LIE people! We are listening to habitual liars and acting as if they are telling us the truth. What can explain that other than brainwashing of some kind?

God Save our Country
