Kings, Mullahs, tyrants, despots, dictators, and Democrats are all afflicted with this malady

It must be in their genes

By Henry Lamb
Saturday, August 8, 2009

There must be some yet-undiscovered gene in the DNA of people who feel the need to control others. Kings, Mullahs, tyrants, despots, dictators, and Democrats are all afflicted with this malady.

Not since Franklin Roosevelt has evidence of this disorder been so rampant in Washington.

The Obama regime is restructuring and empowering government to ensure that all people everywhere are subject to its control.

First, understand the strategy: (1) identify problem(s); (2) devise action plan; (3) authorize plan in law; (4) implement plan;

Urgent problems the Obama regime has identified include: the economy; global warming; and health care. Further down the priority list are Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Russia, education, national security, national sovereignty, and, at the very bottom of the list are the concerns of people who are not infected with the “controlâ€