The Emasculation Of An American President!Posted by Bill Turner - Western Reg. Coord on August 5, 2009 at 12:01am in California Patriots
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President Obama’s emasculation shall be known world wide. It is a tale that shall be told for decades to come, just like the story of Jimmy Carter losing his peanuts to a killer rabbit. B. Hussein Obama shall be known as the president with only a basketball and no others. And, sadly, Joe Biden called the shot, by saying on the campaign trail that Obama would be tested.

We have Russian nuclear submarines off of the east coast of America, something we have not seen since the Cold War. But, B. Hussein Obama ignoring countries like North Korea, who has tested nuclear weapons, fired missiles in the direction of America on our Independence Day and described our current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, as a poorly dressed school girl and says Iran has a right to go nuclear, has emboldened a weakened Russia to attack Georgia and pose a nuclear threat to America. Obama thinks nothing of calling a press conference to call a law enforcement officer stupid, but will not call one to stand up to Russia.

Obama, Hillary Clinton and our State Department could not get the North Korean leader to release two reporters being wrongly held in a North Korean prison, but bubba could. Just weeks after sending Hillary Clinton away in disgrace, and a month after testing missiles North Korea was told not to test, he rubs Obama’s nose in the carpet and releases the two young women to former President, Bill “cigarâ€