Obama 'Even Worse' Than Bush On Secret Wiretapping Case, Says S.F. Lawyer

By Peter Jamison
SF Weekly

San Francisco attorney Jon Eisenberg thinks he's learned a thing or two about Barack Obama over the past 15 months. Eisenberg, who won a landmark decision against the government in Northern California's U.S. District Court Wednesday on a wiretapping case, says that when it comes to violating civil liberties in the name of national security, the present occupant of the White House is just as bad as -- or "even worse" than -- his predecessor.

"The Obama Administration stepped right into the shoes of the Bush Administration, on national security generally and on this case in particular," Eisenberg said, referring to the lawsuit brought by his clients, an Oregon branch of an Islamic charity and two American lawyers. The plaintiffs argued successfully before federal Judge Vaughn Walker that their conversations were illegally wiretapped under the Bush Administration's secret surveillance program.

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Obama 'Even Worse' Than Bush On Secret Wiretapping Case, Says S.F. Lawyer - San Francisco News - The Snitch

This has been the case from the very beginning, Obama has taken
many of the worst Bush era policies and run with them.

In fact, the day after Obama's inauguration his administration
officially lodged a court document in a lawsuit asking the courts
to rule on the constitutionality of the Bush administration's
warrantless wiretapping program.

Obama sided with Bush.

Now we know why...


Obama Watch: Increased wiretapping under Obama

Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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