Bloomberg has been a tireless champion of pandering to Islamists
Religion of Car Bombings

By Daniel Greenfield Thursday, May 6, 2010

No, Contessa, the Times Square car bomber was not a frustrated Tea Party protester or one of those angry right wing extremists everyone in the Obama Administration and their media hanger-ons begin warning us about every time the Eared One encounters some political blowback from his latest misguided socialist venture. No, he is that rarest of creatures, hardly ever seen in the wild anymore—a Muslim terrorist.

As we all know from hours and hours of consuming the scanned and zapped pablum shot across the antennas and cable lines connecting vapid media talking heads in their pressed suits with the hoi poloi—Muslim terrorism is a rare event that hardly ever happens, which receives a disproportionate amount of attention based on all the times it does happen. This is a tragedy because it scapegoats an otherwise peaceloving religion that spread around the world through a massive program of conquest.

Of course there are the rights of the innocent to consider. No, not the innocent people who simply wanted to catch a production of the Lion King with their children, without being blown to bits by an angry Pakistani Muslim. They don’t matter anymore than the beheaded Buddhist schoolteachers, the murdered Kashmiri Indians, the incinerated Israelis, the raped Australians or any of the other unfortunate infidels to come in contact with the peaceloving missionaries of the Religion of Peace. The rights of the Muslims.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, after speculating that the car bomber was probably someone disgruntled about ObamaCare (which is a reasonable speculation considering that there are more liberals in Alaska than there are Republicans in Manhattan), has announced that no backlash will be tolerated. Of course there was no actual backlash, but luckily Bloomberg rushed ahead of traffic (something that thanks to his new road redistributions very few drivers in Manhattan can do anymore) to announce that it won’t be tolerated anyway. Which is good, because no doubt the average Upper West Sider had been seconds away from picking up a very tasteful Molotov cocktail from Bed, Bath and Beyond and going off to torch a mosque or two. Before being stopped by the Mayor’s timely warning.

But Bloomberg has been a tireless champion of pandering to Islamists. And like Contessa, he is extremely disappointed to discover that the terrorist is not one of those rabble who seem all fired up over compulsory health care (which he thinks is the best idea ever since letting billionaires buy their own elections). Not that, mind you, he has very much idea of what exactly they’re fired up about. It can be hard to stay in touch with current events and the views of the people for a hardworking public servant spending time on his own private island. Muslims, however, are a voting bloc. And Bloomy excels at pandering to voting blocs.

To fully gauge the difference between Giuliani and Bloomberg, when the former was in office he warned Muslims against targeting Jews, when the latter is in office he warns everyone to stay away from the poor oppressed Muslims. Who have absolutely nothing to do with the car bombs they try to detonate near theaters, or the petrol bombs they try to plant around synagogues or the assaults they carry out on subways.

Sadly, the Times Square Car Bomber has become another of those inconvenient Muslims, the ones who give all the others a bad name. Of course the vast majority of Muslims are peaceloving. They don’t detonate car bombs. Some of them may contribute to “charitiesâ€