Liberals Sneer, Americans Cheer
By MICHELLE EASTON | Posted Wednesday, October 01, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Regardless of how well Sarah Palin does in Thursday's debate, conservatives would be astounded if the major media acknowledged her success.

For the most part, the media have decided the appropriate response to the governor is to sneer, and sneering at great conservative leaders, from Ronald Reagan to Rush Limbaugh, has been a liberal pastime for decades.

What makes Gov. Palin unique from the other three candidates in this race is she seems so normal. She worked her way through college, married a good local guy, stayed home with her children for several years and has an impressive professional resume as well.

Millions of Americans never really related to Hillary Clinton on a personal level, what with her Wellesley and Yale education and lobbying/legal work.

Then there was her sticking with Bill while he womanized. It made women wrinkle their brows and question her judgment, even as they noted her hard work to promote liberal ideas.

Katie Couric is a master sneerer. She's never done a fair interview with a conservative woman — ever. It's hard to imagine why campaign strategists waste Palin's time preparing for and sitting through Couric's brand of liberal "gotcha" journalism.

Couric's half-lidded eyes and unbearable condescension toward a woman whose achievements, personal and professional, are so superior to her own were excruciating to watch. But we could have predicted Couric's disparaging questions and snide looks before the interview aired.

Viewership of Couric's "CBS Evening News" show has been in the tank ever since she took over. Letting her interview Palin elevated attention for Couric in a way she couldn't do on her own.

Palin should stop wasting time on mainline media interviews that are predisposed to be critical. She should spend her time addressing the crowds of tens of thousands who want to see her whenever they can.

If press interviews are granted, the criterion should be: "Has the interviewer ever done a fair interview with a conservative woman?" That would save the governor a lot of energy and let her share her message with the millions of Americans hungry to hear more from her.

Liberals are extraordinarily chagrined that the first woman in 24 years to be on a national ticket isn't Hillary, but a conservative. And while they critique and disrespect Palin with gusto, they underestimate the backlash of support they've created for her, even from many Americans who don't think of themselves as conservatives.

Grandmother of the radical feminist movement Gloria Steinem (famous for saying "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle") went after Sarah by saying, "This isn't the first time a boss has picked an unqualified woman just because she agrees with him and opposes everything most other women want and need."

This was an insult to the millions of women who admire both Palin and McCain. These admirers say, "Yes, McCain's years of experience mean he is old enough to be her father, and so what? She has been elected a mayor and governor, and he hasn't."

Millions of Americans had only marginal interest in this year's campaign until Palin joined the ticket.

Make no mistake: The left-wing criticism of Sarah Palin is not an honest look at her readiness, but a criticism of her core values and her Reaganesque philosophical conservatism. For liberals, a movement conservative will never be ready.

Palin's answer to those who question her readiness should be: "I don't know every issue. And I didn't know every issue when I became governor of Alaska. But 80% of the people of the state approve of my work."

I had to roll my eyes at an offer in the latest Virginia NOW newsletter. It read: "Great Gift Idea!! The Margaret doll and T-shirt. Margaret, Dennis the Menace's nemesis, wears a T-shirt that says: 'Someday a woman will be president.' "

You'd think a national organization claiming to represent women would be offering a Sarah Palin doll sporting a T-shirt saying, "Someday a woman will be president."

Like all the sneering critics in the national media, NOW sneers at Palin because it gets behind only liberal, not conservative, women. ... 2082486771