By Attorney Jonathan Emord
October 6, 2009

Because Our Constitutional Republic Has Given Way to a Bureaucratic Oligarchy

When Obama promised change, many anticipated fundamental reformation of government. What they got, however, is no fundamental reformation but rather more (much more) of the same old government. The history of the United States from 1938 to the present, whether the people in power were Republicans or Democrats, is one of a transfer of governing power from the separate executive, legislative, and judicial repositories defined in the Constitution to the unelected heads of the federal bureaucracy, growing that bureaucracy into a monolithic giant. That dynamic continues at an accelerated pace in the Obama administration. Today over 90% of all new federal law is the product not of Congress, not of our elected representatives, but of unelected heads of federal agencies who are largely unaccountable to the courts, the Congress, and the American people. Year after year from 1938 to the present, the fundamental direction of the government has been toward greater oligarchic control by an ever mushrooming bureaucracy such that today we may truly say we are governed not by the republic the founding fathers created but by a bureaucratic oligarchy that the founding fathers condemned as the very definition of tyranny.

Throughout history tyranny has assumed many forms (monarchy, dictatorship, autocracy, and oligarchy) but all share in common a unity of legislative, executive, and judicial power in the hands of one or a few. Liberty, an historical rarity, has existed only when legislative, executive, and judicial powers have been limited and kept in separate and competing hands with the rights of the individual being sovereign. Tyranny may be defined as the unbridled exercise of will by one over the life, liberty, or property of another without the other’s consent. Rightful liberty, as Thomas Jefferson brilliantly explained, “is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of othersâ€