America has to be brought low, needy and dependent on big Government to succeed with Obama’s socialist transformation

Major tax increases and redistribution of wealth planned from the beginning

By Dr. Laurie Roth
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The lies have been non stop since Obama’s election about not raising taxes, especially regarding the ‘normal Joe’ who would make under $200,000 a year. The entire time, this administration and congress has stuffed ‘loan shark’ type tax increases into products, services, even a sneaky Gold tax into the Health care Bill, affecting everyone.

With this administration you have to think of the U.S. as a Big House, with Obama promising no new taxes through the front door only. Naturally, the bold plan has pushed from day one, taxes, regulations and fees through the left window, attic, back door and kitchen door slider. Tax increases and aggressive ‘redistribution of wealth’ have been the plan since the very beginning.

America has to be brought low, needy and dependent on big Government to succeed with Obama’s socialist transformation. He plans to be perceived as the messiah and Father Christmas for the African Americans. He is creating race wars and contrived enemies, such as with the Tea Party groups against the Black folks, so he can be falsely perceived as their rescuer and resource. He wants them slaves again but he plans to be the master as he invents more Government programs and hand outs to keep them dependent, distracted and angry. I don’t believe the African American community is as stupid and needy as he thinks and wants!

Obama is also planning to be the messiah to the illegal aliens and the Gays. As I shared in an earlier article, a reliable source informed me that congress was shaping a Bill that would combine and cram together the amnesty and gay marriage issue, neutering states rights regarding gay marriage and illegal alien laws. A person could go get married in Mexico and have it observed in the U.S. trumping any concern of an illegal alien status. Once again, Obama is shredding the American people, states rights and our moral foundation while he tries to buy the illegal alien and gay vote.

Now the drool and adrenaline rush for progressive Democrats and Obama is flowing. They see the end of the Bush tax cuts by Dec. 31st. They think it is the moral high ground to let the extreme and unfair tax rates come back during a national, recession if not depression. Geithner has even offered the country his profound and moral wisdom. He was quoted in ‘The Week’ show on ABC saying:

“We think that’s the responsible thing to do because we need to make sure we can show the world that (we’re) willing as a country now to start to make some progress bringing down our long-term deficits.â€