Look for your $10,000 energy tax bill
'Every time you turn on a light switch … you're going to pay'

Posted: April 24, 2009
12:10 am Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

The federal affairs manager for Americans for Tax Reform says American families should be watching out for their new $10,000 energy tax bill.

"Obama lied when he was campaigning and said he was only going to raise taxes on 5 percent [of Americans]," said Brian Johnson, a spokesman for the ATR. "Every time you turn on a light switch, go to the store … you're going to pay higher taxes."

His comments came in an interview with Greg Corombos of Radio America/WND. The audio of the discussion is embedded here: (click on the link to hear)

Other estimates of the increased costs resulting from Obama's proposed energy taxes have ranged around several thousand dollars per person. Dan Kish of the Institute for Energy Research earlier confirmed to WND that "everything" will cost more.

Johnson said he got his figures from the president's own budget plan, which counts on, among other tax increases, an additional $345 billion in taxes from "changes and loophole closures" and still another $645 billion from "climate" taxes.

That's $1 trillion, or roughly $10,000 for a family of three or four in the United States.

The numbers come from Table S-6 of Obama's budget proposal at the website for the Office of Management and Budget.

Johnson said that in addition to the extra bills, estimates are that about 600,000 jobs would be lost because of the taxes.

"Every time we manufacture or produce something in the United States we emit carbon dioxide," he explained. "Obama wants to put a carbon cap on."

That means if you own a company that makes brake pads and you get an order for 50,000 brake pads in a particular month, but only have "permission" for the emissions that allow you to make 40,000, you cannot provide the extra 10,000.

Guess where manufacturing jobs are going to be taken? he asked. Overseas.

According to the Associated Press, Democrats in Congress are on the bandwagon, fending off criticism from Republicans that Obama's proposal will undermine the economy.

The report documented EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson's statement that Obama's plan will "create good American jobs."

Republicans aren't giving up.

"The proposal for cap and tax will raise the energy rates for producing everything in the United States of America," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich. "If we dramatically raise the rates of electricity we will not be competitive when it comes to building anything."
