Farrakhan: ‘America Will Be Bathed in Blood’

Author: Mac Slavo- March 29th, 2011

Whether you love him or hate him, agree or disagree, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan has some interesting views worthy of your time. Some you may agree with, some you may dismiss outright, and some you may find offensive. Whatever the case, Farrakhan’s comments should not be taken lightly, as it is becoming more clear (regardless of the racial spin Minister Farrakhan inserts into the discussion) that opinions about our government’s actions, both domestically and abroad, are aligning across the religious, racial and socio-economic spectrum.

Minister Farrakhan directs the following comments regarding Libya and US foreign policy at President Obama:

You can’t order him to step down and get out. Who the hell do you think you are? That you can talk to a man who built a country over 42 years and ask him step down and get out? Can anybody ask you – well, there’s a lot now gonna ask you to step out of the White House ’cause they don’t want no black face in the White House. Be careful brother, how you handle this situation, because it is coming to America. It has already started.

Look at Wisconsin. Look in Ohio. Look at what’s going on in your country and remember your words, because the American people are rising against their own government.

It’s not Muslims. It’s not black people. It’s white militia that are angry with their government, and they are well armed.

Are you gonna’ tell them ‘put your arms down, and let’s talk it over peacefully’? I hope so. But if not, America will be bathed in blood. Not because Farrakhan said so, but because the dissatisfaction in America has reached the boiling point.

Be careful how you manipulate the dissatisfaction in Libya and other parts of the Muslim world.

While we agree that dissatisfaction in America is quickly approaching 212°F, Mr. Farrakhan seems to have lumped the entire movement into one group, which he refers to as ‘militia.’

It isn’t just white people that are dissatisfied. Mr. Farrakhan likes to make these separations to serve his own agenda and cater to his audience, but the fact of the matter is, what we’re talking about is all Americans. People of all races, creeds and economic backgrounds are fed up.

Many are realizing the hypocrisy of our government – and we’re not just referring to President Obama’s most recent military action in Libya, but the imperialistic tendencies held by many of our politicians and so-called leaders, past and present. Moreover, as pointed out by the Minister in his interview (video below), while our government is focused on fixing other countries’ problems, we are in dire straits right here at home with over 44 million people now on food stamps, millions unable to pay their mortgages, depression level unemployment, and the largest national debt in the history of mankind.

While we empathize with the people of Libya, Syria, Iraq and the greater middle east, our primary concern is the impoverished, enslaved and enraged people in These United States – and so too should it be the concern of of our three branches of government.

Watch the full video interview: END WAR: Farrakhan Cautions Against Drums Of War On Libya; Regime Change Funding, US http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTXQR6oO ... r_embedded

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