Maxwell's Silver Hammer

Posted by Alice in WL on December 3, 2012 at 7:52pm

The beatles Maxwells silver hammer (with lyrics) - YouTube

Maxwell used a silver hammer....not a silver gun. Or even a silver bullet!

Cain didn't use a gun to kill Able.

The Romans used lions, swords, spears, clubs with sharp metal objects on the ends, chains, etc to kill Christians. guns tho.

Jesus was crucified. Not shot. They didn't have guns but they still murdered thousands.

People thought to be witches were burned at the stake. No guns used.

The Boston Strangler didn't use a gun.

Lizzie Bordon used an ax.

John Wayne Gacy like to tie his victims up, have anal sex with them, then beat them while he read Bible verses to them and finally strangled them to death. No gun.

Ted Bundy raped and the bludgeoned his victims. gun.

Jack the Ripper got his name because he like to slash his victims from the stomach down through the vagina. No gun.

Obama uses drones......I guess those are guns. Shall we outlaw drones? How about some drone control? How about prison for war crimes?

The problem isn't guns. It is the twisted minds that create a killer.

I'm willing to bet Jovan Belcher was on "legal" psychiatric drugs.

Maxwell's Silver Hammer - Patriot Action Network