An excerpt from "Spin"
Behind the scenes at Propaganda USA Inc.

Footage you weren't supposed to see.

Politicians at work. Mama Bush pimping for George Sr.

Plus a Bill Clinton bonus.

There's no business like show business and these people know exactly what business they're in.

From the great and too-little-known movie "Spin" which documented the 1992 election by grabbing wild feeds off network TV transmissions that you weren't supposed to see.

Behind every great man is
a woman...that's how the
saying goes.

Wife of a mass murderer.
(That would be Bush Sr.)

Mother of a rabid band of white
collar criminals. (That would
be George Jr, Ned and Jeb)

Best known for telling refugees from
New Orleans who'd lost their homes
and neighborhoods due to the criminal
incompetence of the US Army Corps of
Engineers that their lives were improved
by living on cots in a Houston sports arena.

Not a fan.


- Brasscheck

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