117 billion dollar shortfall that Obama claims he wants to recover for "The American People," is not owed by the banks

Obama Taxes Our Patience . . . Among Other Things

By Ron Marr
Thursday, January 14, 2010

So let me get this straight. Barack Obama wants to tax fifty banks, each with more than fifty billion dollars in assets, in order to make up for a shortfall in the 700 billion dollar bailout (Troubled Asset Relief Program . . . aka: TARP) authorized by George Bush? This, despite the fact that the majority of banks which received an infusion of TARP funds have already paid back the money, with interest?

Wow, he’s a financial genius.

The fact of the matter, if anyone cares to look into this and acknowledge the truth, is that the vast majority of the 117 billion dollar shortfall that Obama claims he wants to recover for “The American People,â€