President Obama and his takeover of our healthcare system is based on power and not service to patients

Obama Admin. Clueless About Modern Medicine

By Warner Todd Huston
Saturday, September 5, 2009

With each passing day we see mounting proof that President Obama and his White House really haven’t a clue about modern medicine. Doctors all across the nation are finally starting to realize this, too. Cardiologists and Oncologists, for instance, are beginning to understand that President Obama and his takeover of our healthcare system is based on power and not service to patients.

Bloomberg is reporting that a group of Cardiologists and Oncologists are protesting the planed Medicare cuts in their services. The “Medicare proposal, announced July 1, slashes projected spending for care by cardiologists and oncologists by more than 10 percent each, while paying family doctors 8 percent more and nurses an additional 7 percent.â€