Liberal Meltdown
by Monica Crowley

Three things happened over the last two weeks that raises the curtain on just how much chaos there is among Democrats.

Last week, the Washington Post reported an absolutely astounding statement made by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. She was asked by reporters about the anger of the liberal base over the Democrats' failure to end the war in Iraq.

"Look," she said, her frozen smile turning into a frozen frown. "I had, for five months, people sitting outside my home, going into my garden in San Francisco, angering neighbors, hanging their clothes from trees, building all kinds of things -- Buddhas? I don't know what they were -- couches, sofas, chairs, permanent living facilities on my front sidewalk."

Sounds like liberal heaven. But wait! There's more:

"If they were poor and they were sleeping on my sidewalk, they would be arrested for loitering, but because they have "Impeach Bush" across their chest, it's the First Amendment."

Absorb the stunning nature of that statement. This is liberal-on-liberal violence.

Speaker Pelosi complained that antiwar liberals 1) invaded her private space, 2) ticked off her neighbors, 3) set up "protest camps" outside her home, 4) made her life inconvenient with their antics. Of course, all of that was fine when they were doing it to President Bush outside his home in Crawford, Texas.

Furthermore. I thought liberals embraced the downtrodden, but Pelosi wants to see those homeless folks sleeping on her sidewalk removed for loitering.

What would Jesus do?

She's also seething over a primary challenge against her by antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan. She called Sheehan's and others' targeting of Democrats "a waste of time."

Again, the Democrats were more than happy to have the lefties' support when things were really grim in Iraq and they could use them as surrogates to beat up the president. Now that Iraq is improving somewhat, the Democrats have nothing else in their repertoire, so they are turning on each other. They made use of each other when things were bad for the nation and thus good for them. Now they are throwing each other overboard faster than you can say "Jim McDougal."

More proof:

Last Friday night, Bill Maher was heckled during his live HBO show. The offending audience member stood up, unfurled a smuggled-in banner, and began shouting loudly.
Maher, unaccustomed to being eclipsed, stormed the stands and helped security throw the guy out. What was the heckler heckling about? Why, he was shouting part of the extreme left-wing agenda: that September 11 was a U.S. government conspiracy.

Maher was livid that his show had been interrupted. But his “shockâ€