The administration, in a rare acknowledgement of political success announces, "The battle is over! The battle has been won! The War on Poverty is over!" cries an exuberant President.

While this incredible good news comes during a time of great grief and misery for many Americans, due to the continuous destructive economic policies; it comes as a huge relief for millions of hard working American families.

"Now that poverty has been officially eliminated, we are now looking for new wars to fight, new battles to be won!" says White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

"We are now considering importing untold billions of dollars in poverty from Latin America," Mr Gibbs continues.

"We soon hope to have bi-partisan support for passing an "Immigration Reform Bill" that will help us create a brand new under-class that will replace the old under-class," brags President Obama.

"This brand new under-class will allow us to continue to spend billions of dollars and raise taxes across the board, in cities and states everywhere across the United States," declares a very proud President Obama.

"It's a glorius day in America when a plan comes together," the president bellows at a crowd of thousands of hysterical supporters screaming "give us higher taxes so that you can piss off our money" they yelled over and over as tears rolled down the proud President's cheeks.

This message is brought to you by the "Citizens In Favor of Perpetual Bennies," a proud left-wing radical organization.

a fellow patriot