Conservative Daily

Obama as the ultimate used car salesman...

If ObamaCare Had a Lemon Law: Feisty Man’s Letter Paints Obama as a Used Car Salesman

By Kyle Becker
12 hours ago

When William D. Curry tore into the Obamacare law with the aim of giving Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts a piece of his mind, he came up with a brilliant analogy.

What if President Obama were a used car salesman and ObamaCare had a “lemon law”?

Check out this heated letter, dated March 22. 2014:

Mr. Curry is right on the money. Given that Obamacare was indisputably passed under numerous false pretenses, in many states the dealer could be sued into giving the customer his car back. In other words, if you like your free country, you can keep your free country.