The anti-war protesters as always plan to cause disruption and mischief. Anything to draw attention to themselves. I hope they are rounded up and arrested if they try to deface the Wall!

March 17, 2007…
Published: March 9, 2007

…is the date set aside for the slimiest of the slime, the lowest of the low and the vilest of the vile to congregate in the shadow of Abraham Lincoln where they intend to vandalize the black gash in the ground known as the Vietnam War Memorial in protest of President Bush.

The effort is being led by Ed “Lou Grant” Asner; Jane “could I be more messed up?” Fonda; and Cindy “I hate my own kid with a passion” Sheehan. I am old enough to remember the emotional debate over the memorial’s design, selected as much for its reflection of our national shame – both the earned and the imagined – surrounding the Vietnam Era. Derided as the “black gash,” the Vietnam Veterans Memorial has grown to become perhaps the most powerful symbol of the misuse of power in our nation’s history. Coincidently, it co-exists in closest possible proximity to another symbol of perhaps the single most righteous use of power in the history of Mankind: the Lincoln Memorial. Mister Lincoln’s unwavering glare and the weary pain in his eyes reflect accurately the pain and feelings of those who touch their fingers to The Wall and sink to their knees in tearful prayer. No more powerful symbol of the contradictions mere humans have with the concept of “justice” or even the very concept of our nation exists anywhere else in the world.

One of the most emotional moments of my life was my witness at that very spot. It was a dreary, drizzly spring morning in Washington…Memorial Day 1990 and I was there. I was there to just watch and listen. The image of one massively huge man, in full Hell’s Angels attire, finding his friend’s name on The Wall and collapsing in sobs will forever be burnt into my memory. His fingertips touched the engraved name and this gorilla of a man sank slowly to his knees, sobbing like a baby.

Until that moment I didn’t get it. How the hell could I? I was a kid and teenager during that war and saw only the TV news and smartly folded flags handed to the parents of kids only a couple of class years ahead of me. I had nothing else by which to judge my own nation. I understood the geopolitical and geo-economics, even agreed with the Domino Theory but I still – to this day – want former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara to suffer the most painful and excruciating afterlife that either God or Satan can cough up (for the record, for McNamara, I’m going with Satan — more power to the Devil in whatever he delivers to that blood-sucking monster). If I could be the hangman to execute his sentence I would gladly do it — for free. He was the ring leader of the very first delivery of American kids for slaughter for no good reason…painfully; today he would be in pretty fast company. Creatures like Housewife Pelosi are working very hard to rack up an even more horrifying record. To McNamara’s credit and in total contrast to Democrats 2007, at least he was working for our side – doing so stupidly and murderously, but at least for our side – which is all the credit that I can muster towards him until I get the honor of spitting on his grave someday with all the determination and feeling with which I kneel and pray at the graves of his victims today.

But on that Memorial Day in 1990, together with the emotions of the other assembled and the words of the speakers at a podium — perhaps the late spring grayness and drizzle too, brought me to tears along with everybody else. Back then I was still a photography bug and the photos I took of flowers, notes, cans of beer and sobbing mates all at the foot of the monument remain in my private collection…the moments are far too intimate to ever violate via public display.

On Mar. 17, Deborah Johns, Move America Forward and others will gather at the memorial to be citizen guards for the honored and hallowed names engraved in the black granite and slated for vandalism by the same “peace” lovers who have crammed Deborah’s email with death wishes for her USMC son. Holly and I will be there.

I hate McNamara with all my heart…I pray he burns in Hell, along with LBJ, Nixon, Kissinger and the entire rogues gallery of creeps, slime and warmongers in power at the time along with the “anti-America-at-any-cost” crowd in the streets then too who together destroyed not just a generation but our own nation’s will to even consider defending itself. I hate far more those who would render those names on The Wall meaningless notions of history.

That Wall is sacred ground. The wall reserved for the contemptible likes of Sheehan, Asner and Fonda is far, far too molten to touch yet.