God Save the Republic
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by 1Dragon, blogging at http://socialismisnottheanswer.wordpres ... -republic/

(Aug. 3, 2010) — The Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves. The Obama regime and his Liberal/Marxist/Socialist partners in crime have taken over the government and are doing whatever they want. The mainstream media has been running cover for them and the Republicans are just sitting back watching the Constitution and the Country be destroyed. Now there are a few Republicans that may get a cheap shot in once in a while, but that is it.

Our current government has continued to go against the will of the People and has even stated that they can do pretty much whatever they want. This is Tyranny, plain and simple. So where are our so-called representatives? I don’t know about yours, but mine is either asleep in his office or worried about what he is going to have for lunch.

Every member of the House and Senate who has sworn an Oath to the Constitution should be up in arms over all of this, and it would be so simple. Mr. Obama is an illegal USURPER, and not because of where he was born but the issue of who his father was: A Kenyan national, and that alone makes Obama unconstitutional.

Anyone who remains silent on this is basically a Traitor. Now you can call me a Birther if you want; I’ll accept the title. But it also makes me a Patriot, and I would rather be either or both than a traitor.

I don’t need a bunch of dictator wanna-bes telling me I have to buy health care or what food I have to eat or what kind of car I should drive, because I am an American. Not an African-American or Asian-American or an Italian-American; I am an American, and this is my Country. I don’t want it changed into some failed European country or an annex of some Middle Eastern country with Shariah Law, and I definitely don’t need a closet Muslim in the Oval Office with his radical ideas destroying the Country I love.

God Bless America and God Save the Republic.

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