... ia_schools

Is this country going mad?

""Mom and Dad" as well as "husband and wife" have been banned from California schools under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose."

So reports World Net Daily. Funny, it does not seem to be getting a lot of "airplay" in the Main Street Media. This is a group of state bills signed by Arnold the terminator. For those of you who supported Arnold over McClintock because "he was electable" the chickens are now coming home to roost. (Is there a lesson here?)

The bills include SB777, which bans anything in public schools that could be interpreted as "negative" toward homosexuality, bisexuality and other "alternative lifestyle choices." There are no similar protections for students with traditional or conservative lifestyles and beliefs, however.

Schools across the nation will be impacted by the decision, since textbook publishers typically base their texts on the rules set down by their largest customer, which often is California.

When did our public schools cease to be a way to give children a good education, a headstart in life, and become indoctrination centers to teach the beliefs of our left wing "elite"?

Also signed was AB394, which targets parents and teachers for such indoctrination through "anti-harassment" training.

This is right out of the old communist re-education center handbook. And you thought it could never happen here. They are starting with the children.

Schwarzenegger had vetoed almost identical provisions a year ago, saying existing state law already provided for penalties for discrimination. Obviously these new laws go way beyond that.

Now on a banned list will be any text, reference or teaching aid that portrays marriage as only between a man and woman, materials that say people are born male or female (and not in between), sources that fail to include a variety of transsexual, bisexual and homosexual historical figures, and sex education materials that fail to offer the option of sex changes.

Banning books? I suppose to the left it's ok. It just depends on which books are banned.

Homecoming kings now can be either male or female - as can homecoming queens, and students, whether male or female, must be allowed to use the restroom and locker room corresponding to the sex with which they choose to identify.

It's madness.

It also creates the circumstances where a parent who says marriage is only for a man and a woman in the presence of a lesbian teacher could be convicted of "harassment," and a student who believes people are born either male or female could be reported as a "harasser" by a male teacher who wears women's clothes, CCF said.

Welcome to the spirit of Cuba where neighbors are put on watch to be sure everyone follows the government line. And if you aren't... Political correctness enacted into law.

Schwarzenegger also signed AB14, which prohibits state funding for any program that does not support a range of alternative sexual practices, including state-funded social services run by churches. Affected will be day cares, preschool or after-school programs, food and housing programs, senior services, anti-gang efforts, jobs programs and others.

That would force every hospital in California - even private, religious hospitals - to adopt policies in support of transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality and open up non-profit organizations to lawsuits if they exclude members that engage in homosexual, bisexual, or transsexual conduct.

This is being shoved down your throat by a Republican Governor and a Democratic legislature. All in the name of tolerance. Only there is no tolerance here.

Look out. Governor Terminator is coming for your uncool niece. Where is the outrage?