Bloomberg's trip down "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" Avenue

Bloomberg Stuffs Both His Faces on Taxpayers’ Dime

By Center for Consumer Freedom
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It’s no secret that New York City’s most notorious food cop, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, doesn’t always practice the nutritional advice he preaches. And now the latest shoe has dropped in Bloomberg’s hypocrisy saga: While taxpayers are financing Bloomberg’s new PSAs warning about the evils of sugar, they’re also footing the bill for a trio of high-priced personal chefs to feed Hizzoner’s sweet tooth.

Local media exposed Bloomberg recently for employing three personal chefs at Gracie Mansion (the mayor’s official residence) costing taxpayers nearly $250,000 annually. It’s a tough bagel to chew on for the city’s teachers and emergency responders, already threatened with layoffs due to budget cuts. While NYC’s finest, bravest, and smartest struggle to serve the needs of New Yorkers (and, recently, plow the roads…), Gracie Mansion’s top chef says he and his boss are performing critical work, too:

Feliberto Estevez has been Bloomberg’s Executive Chef for nearly nine years. He says he “enjoys the variety of foods we make [for the Mayor and his guests]â€