
Tolerance Kills

Nancy Morgan

January 9, 2007


While Americans keep their eyes on the war in Iraq, we're quietly being conquered on the home front.
From within. And without a whimper.

In Minneapolis, Muslim cab drivers make their own rules as to who they will allow to ride in their cabs. If you're carrying liquor, you're out of luck.
Meanwhile, in Texas, a food chain has started accepting Mexican pesos for American pizzas.
In Washington, newly elected congressman Keith Ellison takes the oath of office on the Koran while managing to dodge legitimate questions about where his ultimate loyalty lies.
In San Diego County, 40% of U.S. paid Medi-Cal births are to illegal immigrants.
In airports around the country the phony threat of 'racial profiling' demands we not identify Muslims as our most potent threat.
Illegals are set to start tapping into our social security system. At more favorable terms than legal citizens.

I could go on but I think you get my drift. Slowly but surely, our uniquely American melting pot culture is evolving. This is as it should be. There's one big difference, however. In the past, our culture evolved as result of varied immigrant groups assimilating into one. Today, the new Americans (and the illegal aliens who now formally constitute a new group of 'Americans') are not assimilating into a cohesive whole. Each group is intent on forming and/or maintaining their own culture. In many cases, demanding Americans assimilate to them. And we are.

This is a dangerous trend.

In our rush to 'tolerance,' in our manic desire to embrace 'diversity' we're slowly undermining the rule of law and our own unique American culture.

Consider the recent case Bill O'Reilly spotlighted of the illegal alien arrested for felony rape of a 12 year old. Despite a long record, despite having been already deported once, a commissioner sets bail at $5,000. No surprise he didn't show up. Contrast that to the outrageous bail set for the three defendants in the non-rape Duke case (who just happened to be three rich white boys).
Can anyone doubt different standards of law are applied?

Many illegal aliens, by Justice Department figures, are re-arrested up to six times. Many Muslims,( think: the flying imans), are given a pass for disrupting an airline flight, while your average Joe is slapped in the slammer for the least infraction of airport security. Different standards? You bet.

The very same rule of law we're trying so hard to implement in Iraq is being undermined and eroded here at home. It is being applied separately and unequally depending on which 'group' one belongs to.

The evolution of our culture is also a matter of alarm. By adhering to the Left's mantra that 'all cultures are equal', we're constrained from taking pride in our own American culture. Universities teach our young to hate America. The media focus on all the bad things about America is starting to influence many attitudes, both here and abroad. The celebration of victimhood and despotic dictators is de riguer if one aspires to be an 'elite.'

All this is happening right under our noses. By letting the left define the debate, we'll be forever arguing if Saddam's hanging conformed to our version of 'legal,' while our own rule of law disintegrates. If the left has it's way, we'll be forever debating how to accommodate and tolerate other cultures, while the moral underpinnings of our own culture degrade into a secular version of Dante's inferno.

Without our consent, our country is slowing being taken over from within. Just as surely as Europe is going to wake up in 2050 as a majority Muslim country, so might America end up shortly as a vastly different and unrecognizable country. Done in by our own capacity for 'tolerance' and 'diversity.'

Post Comment

Posted by Mike 1-10-07
Great, great commentary. Tolerance and the diversity mantra is, as defined by the left and allowed by the right, is killing this country and our freedoms. Before long we will be without the right to think, speek and discriminate between good and evil because of these so called 'diversity' do gooders. Behind all of the diversity preachers is nothing but hate - unfortunately too many are fooled by the seemingly benign concept to see through the lies.

Posted by eeggler1 1-10-07
I consider Allahu Akbar ! to be a battelcry..fighting words, similar to shout ing Fire! in a crowded theater.