Putting an End to Dems, Liberals, & Progressives once and for all!!!

Politics / US Politics
Sep 03, 2010 - 05:31 AM

By: Michael_T_Bucci

Robert Murchen spoke. "I don't speak about Democrats of your country because it is a waste of my time. I don't listen to them any more I do socialist and union leaders in the EU. I will plan for the day they are considered illegal aliens. They live in a fantasy world and are the single greatest obstacle to progress and wealth building." Going further, he believes that the future of America has been decided; it will be "absent the burden of the imbecilic conscience interfering with matters strictly of business."

He recalls one of his first market trades in Oceania and how later it developed into an instinctive notion about how markets work. "They don't 'just work'. They ARE worked!" he told me. Without a family member in the markets or being under the tutelage of a mentor, he signed with a broker. One day he was called with a 'tip'. After considerable questioning, he bought 1000 shares at $2 a share of a hi-tech company in the Middle East. Within three months the shares skyrocketed to $20 from $2. "I was $18,000 richer ($20,000 minus $2,000), did nothing to gain it, and thereafter invested my complete trust and confidence in the broker's opinions." It wasn't until many years later he understood this aspect of the 'game', he said. "The broker was a rookie in the firm and I was a new account. It was 'beginner's luck' for both of us. Or was it? It wasn't after all. It was 'worked'! This marked the beginning of my understanding of not only the money game, but the game of life."

What gives pseudonymous Robert Murchen credibility was his position in the media; his cross-ownerships in the Pacific had been compared to other semi-monopolistic corporations in communications, though his operated regionally in a different hemisphere not dissimilar to our own. Murchen's connections to the financial and military sectors of Western powers are little understood or acknowledged publicly. He boldly proclaims that he is not a servant of God or any flag. "Quite the contrary," he quips unabashedly, "I am a servant of the powerful who know best how to manage the world."

The world is shifting, I interjected.

"Yes, and that shift is not accidental. It is purposeful," he explained. "We can't have people and countries running in different directions when the one way to profit is first through organization and secondly through smart allocation of resources. Nor can we have one game competing against another. The one game is and must remain capitalism, period."

Where does the human being fit into the scheme?

"The human being is a resource. Yes, in order for it to be most productive it requires lubrication, maintenance and reward: food, clothing, a roof, sex, sensual titillations and ego gratifications, all which must be supplied by the established order. But make no mistake, people exist at the pleasure, if you will, of the superior human and should never be trusted to act alone or in concert in their own best interest. When they do, there is conflict, chaos and confusion leading to more of the same. The blind must not be permitted to lead the blind."

That is quite a dystopian view of human nature, I confessed, and an elitist one.

"Probably so because you are one of those who elevate human nature to proportions that don't exist and never existed. You are waiting for the so-called "people" to "wake up", as the socialists put it. My friend, you have a long wait. Marx should be thrilled that his masses in the last hundred years have reached what Marx himself would describe as a 'Workers Paradise'. They have lived well, been paid well, consumed endless products produced for them. Marx was a materialist and so are Westerners. Solely, by Marx's own standard of material progress, communism never achieved such a pinnacle of general material comfort and security for the masses. But naked capitalism did!"

I suppose that is an argument for socialists to argue, and moralists too.

"Moralists!!! Get rid of them. Look, whether they admit it or not, every person will trade all the morality in the world for food, clothing, shelter and what they think will make them happy. If under the gun, they will trade more. To believe otherwise is to be a fool and shows a fundamental ignorance of the human being."

But, as you point out, the many who now live in a "Worker's Paradise" have yet to face choosing between necessities and morality.

"For not much longer! Their 'paradise' is not eternal, nor is the other one."

By "the other one", you are referring to the religious "paradise"?

"Yes, those Heavenly rewards promised to the faithful have helped manage the masses for millennia. That's one plus I give Marx. During the second revolution, the Bolsheviks removed the Orthodox steeples and sent the church Patriarchs down the same road they did the aristocracy. Thirty-five years earlier, then a poor man, Marx became a charity case of Engels and died a pauper. Yet, he could have been one of the greatest social engineers for capitalism; but he chose the 'people' instead of plain reality and self-interest. And we all know what became of Lenin, and to Trotsky especially thanks to Stalin!"

So the proletariat now living in a "Workers Paradise" is really a capitalist cleansed of all inclinations toward socialism or communism?

"Indeed. The proletariat now is a functionary and defender of capitalism. Instead of steeples, he or she is sent to silence the critics of the American way of life. Instead of steeples, they remove humanitarians and liberals from temples of power - a small twist of fate for both. I am proud to admit that I personally, along with others, played a role in their transformation."

Propaganda also played a role...

"You call it propaganda and I call it news."

Who are the "others" you describe?

"That's outside the rules of this interview."

So far as I understand you, the shift taking place politically and economically is not accidental. You and others have managed a reversal in roles for the proletariat. The "Workers Paradise" of the last sixty years will not last forever. There is no validity in humanism or morality for they are based in delusions about human nature. The superior humans must manage and control the entire affairs of people because they are superior. These assumptions beg several questions. Where will Democracy stand? What is the future economic order of America?

"Democracy? Do you mean a system where each person actually thinks and arrives at a personal opinion independently? Poor boy, look around you. Who was the last person you met who contributed an original idea to any serious discussion? Instead, you found team players, cheerleaders, fans, social groupies, party loyalists, profiteers protecting assets, over-educated intellectuals filled with someone else's opinion that itself was stolen from someone else's opinion. In opining about the Gospels, Tom Paine called this hearsay of hearsay of hearsay. What can be said of a system where the fool has the same vote as the Ph.D.? The reason I am a success in the news business is because I understand these things; I understand people."

And the future economic order?

"This should be considered an 'off-limit' topic also, but I will entertain you. The shift, as you call it, is gradual. People don't adjust quickly. At this time, a necessary change of governments in the West is occurring. The old "experiment" of democracy needs to be displaced, if not in name in spirit. Plato - no doubt, you've read Plato - idealized a culture run by the enlightened. To date, that exalted club excluded business, industry and finance leaders - our most enlightened. The "intellectuals" and humanists appropriated for themselves the mantle of "enlightened" for centuries, opposed capital, and retarded all progress. It soon will be reversed and rightly so."

How will it be reversed?

"How? First, a primer: It is not 'what is' that counts for most people; it is what they 'believe'. And that is "how" it will be reversed - through belief. If people can be trained to believe in Heaven and Hell and act or not act under this spell - and neither thing is perceptible, evident or provable - they can be trained to believe in the existence of something that doesn't exist, and also can be trained to interpret what does exist in a manner pre-selected for them. This is a specialized field."

A specialized field... Am I to conclude you believe that present-day sophistication in social engineering is such that humans have lost the capacity to define and control themselves, to become independent thinkers?

"The human has surrendered these capacities and faculties to others and to technology. That is old news, shall we say. The new news is that we stand at a watershed event in history, for in no other period has been the opportunity for superior people to advance enlightened ideas in an atmosphere of diminished resistance. Only in the most obstinate cases need brute force be considered in quelling any 'mob' resistance. Parenthetically, and not without irony, the mob today needing suppression is not comprised of angry workers or the proletariat; they increasingly are converting to our thinking. But it is comprised of intellectuals, dissenters and humanists. If our movement requires a 'patriotic' basis to act against them, we supply it. If they require a religious motive, we supply it. If they require an ethnic rationale, we supply it. If they need be motivated by bigotry against specific groups, we supply it. If they require passion and zealotry, we amplify it. At this early juncture, our many factions - though unaware of being synchronized - are mitigating opposition to the greatest forthcoming event in American history since the Revolutionary War. Soon, they will place into power those pre-selected for their superior capacities and philosophical purity. These heroes chosen by the people will impose what is needed in the best interests of the people. Should happenstance preempt them from taking power, power will be exercised through other means. Nothing will stop this momentum! At the finish of this phase, no one will argue against the new order, for it was founded in the true spirit of the Constitution. Democracy itself, history will write, had triumphed!"

Someone recently conjectured that the entire "economic meltdown" of Western economies is not real, but is a smokescreen and a ruse orchestrated to foment radical changes in government, increase wealth for a diminishing minority, and enslave the majority through hardship and mass poverty.

"That person is not half wrong, but I won't say which half. When a worker loses his or her job, it is a depression or meltdown. But that person's meltdown was not by accident. It was generated from someone's decision. The same applies to a shifting economy; it is generated by decision makers, not by coincidence or accidents. The small market people cluster theories and propositions, hate the giant banks, demonize the Fed, accurse fiat money and so on. Ultimately they serve to uphold the belief that markets must be free of government intervention in order to work effectively. But what of corporate interference, bank interference, criminal practices by Wall Street? As the government bureaucrat gets censured or fired for regulating, multi-million dollar bonuses go to market manipulators on Wall Street. Reformers of capitalism have much to lose in acting otherwise. Of course, the markets are no freer than the people. The free-market reformers together with the anti-government reformers together with the Christian fundamentalists comprise a critical mass behind building your new America."

Why did you get into the business of propaganda?

"Again, I call it the news and publishing businesses; I also call it the entertainment business at times. Someone always is going to lead and most are always going to follow. I am not a follower. Yet, I do take orders."

From whom?

"No one works in a vacuum. More importantly, we are on the verge of an historical epoch; though the ground is moving underneath us, we must not believe it is by accident. Your great military today has powers undreamt of decades ago. At the flick of a switch nature itself can be altered; earthquakes, tidal waves, tsunamis, weather extremes and flooding can be invoked anywhere in the world. A superficial analysis comparing the occurrences of 'natural disasters' in the world against your political goals and agendas is a worthy exercise for any enemy to study. Digital technology has created a seamless web bringing the challenge of surveillance and population control increasingly within grasp. Pharmaceuticals have replaced leg irons. Medicine that can prolong life can also end it. Governments once usurped by philosophies antithetical to market forces are being vanquished by those same market forces. Leaders will be elected who possess strong and sound financial values and who will alter the purpose of government away from social agendas to ones of setting optimal economic conditions for the new American order.

You are reclaiming America, not as a nation, but as a corporation, and purport the average American endorses that view.

"That's correct."

You are saying that the future American economy and her politics will be wielded together and wed, leaving little if any room for issues outside the provinces of finance, money and markets.

"That's correct."

What will become of her public self? Her institutions, organizations, schools, libraries, public parks, public transportation, monuments, not to mention her obligations to those on entitlements and Social Security?

"These will exist but be privatized. The modus operandi behind all decisions, agendas, priorities and actions in the new America is a very simple one to understand: PROFIT. Profit or Die! Americans value private property over public; profit over loss; business over bureaucracy; ownership over renting or leasing; competition over cooperation. In truth, this country is and has been a corporation from the beginning. The difference today is that 'the people' are about to speak up and codify it; they are saying: 'Let's get on with it!' And I add to that: absent the burden of the imbecilic conscience interfering with matters strictly of business."

Well, if this is the course of the new America, many will need to accommodate themselves to it, or need to make other arrangements.

"Firstly, I do appreciate the time and space you allotted me. On the other hand, I surmise that you are not entirely like-minded and might even become uncomfortable in the new America. Perhaps you are stricken with the disease called humanitarianism or social conscience or in trying to make a better world while failing to see the world is built of different stuff and has little interest in your idealism. Love does not make the world go 'round, my friend; money does. You live today and better make it pay because when you're dead you actually might be dead. If you don't win, you lose - take your pick. When you fall, others rise. Charity begins with self. Without money, you don't eat. People's central motivations are economic, and those of business, profits."

And I must 'Love It or Leave It'!

"To do otherwise is self-defeating. I would suggest you take seriously what I posit. Your neighbors are saying to you and I am saying: Move over. Soon, the real Americans will 'get on with it!' "

And so too will I, Mr. Murchen! Yet, it will be a long war you start for the young to fight. But I've placed my bet. Besides, I am old and have fought my wars. I will leave this one to you instead.

As the poet wrote, for I have many miles to go, and other promises to keep.

By Michael T Bucci
