This is the reason the United States government has allowed us to be raped by the New World Order..... why the government has allowed us to be killed by the millions by illegal's.....why there are thousands of fema camps to feed you as they steal your property..... steal every dime you have... take the food out of your children's mouths, manipulate the stock market... spread fear that you will be homeless.

Get ready to protect your home..... this is the take down of the United States of America.... Our Congress has sold their soles to the devil... they have sold you, they have sold your children.... they have sold your future for their own personal wealth. And believe me... no on could possibly become President of the United States of America, unless they were put their for a purpose... not our purpose, but the purpose of the New World Order. Your retirement savings? The government is trying to make us lose every thing we have so we can beg for any little morsel of food they give us.

I am pleading with everyone to please get the word out... We must fight the New World Order where you and I and our children become beggers to survive.