By Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D
March 27, 2010

The Great Usurper has been in office a year, and since his swearing in, our country has undergone vast changes. This article takes a look at what he has done and how it affects us or will alter our traditional American way of life, which will hold true for other nations as well. For many of you, my comments will upset you, but while we still have a modicum of freedom of speech, I have a right to express my point, just as you do as well.

Your comments are always welcome.

The items below are solely my impressions, and I realize that since I do not work in the White House or have any affiliation with our president, that I could be in error on some of the particulars I have outlined. I apologize if I am proven wrong; however, I—as most of us--can only go by what I see, hear, experience, and read, and those four parameters pieced together create an image of a man running our country who is not prepared to hold the highest office in the world. Please do keep in mind that the alternative media present a far more detailed and different profile of our president and other government members than the mainstream media do which remains in love with Mr. Obama and his seven dwarves: Grumpy (Rahm Emanuel), Doc (Sebelius), Sleepy (Biden), “Cashfoolâ€