Rick Perry's now-or-never debate

By JONATHAN MARTIN | 10/11/11 4:35 AM EDT

With $15 million in the bank and a super PAC in the wings, it’s clear Rick Perry has the cash he needs to go the distance in the GOP presidential race.

But if Perry can’t improve his performance at the next two debates, all that money may be for naught.

The Tuesday evening forum at Dartmouth College and another next week in Las Vegas offer the Texas governor an opportunity to rebound from a pair of poor debate appearances last month – but they also pose the most serious threat to his candidacy yet.

If Perry stumbles again, coming off as inarticulate or defensive, the damage to his campaign could prove terminal. One bad debate turn for a new candidate may be excusable, but two is troubling. To turn in three or even four weak showings would be more than sufficient to send donors and voters alike scurrying away for good.

The Texan is taking steps to bolster his preparations. After previously just walking through issues with a few longtime aides – typically chief strategist Dave Carney and policy director Deidre Delisi – Perry has brought in additional help, said a source familiar with the planning. And, as the New York Times reported Monday, he’s now practicing against someone playing the Mitt Romney role. Some in Perry’s orbit still worry, however, that he’s not spent enough time getting ready for the forum. He had time carved out Monday for practice, but had an intense schedule of retail events and private meetings in Washington and Iowa over the weekend.

Tuesday’s New Hampshire debate will mark Perry’s fourth since getting in the GOP contest – matching the total number he’s done in his decade as Texas governor – and it’s his most important yet.

As his plummeting poll numbers indicate, Perry’s early support was based more on the idea of his candidacy. Republicans actually knew little about him. So, for now at least, he’s being judged chiefly on the debates — events that for most party activists are their sole introduction to the candidate.

“The fact that the Perry campaign narrative has become all about the debates and is now trailing him on campaign trail means he has to knock it out,â€