Obama and the Democrats

Acting boldly—and in ignorance

By Klaus Rohrich
Monday, October 26, 2009

If the obvious foibles of the Obama administration weren’t so pathetic, they would be humorous. But laughing at the Obamites is equal to playing one’s fiddle while the country burns.

Item—When Obama was running for President he called Iraq the wrong war and Afghanistan the right war. Now that he’s in office, he can’t seem to make up his mind whether the war in Afghanistan is right or wrong. His initial appointment of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, called for the general to submit a list of recommendations in how to best pursue the war. And as soon as the General submitted a detailed proposal, Barack Obama promptly ignored it, claiming he needed more information. He justifies his dithering with the contention that he will not rush into a decision until all the facts are at hand. American soldiers are now dying in combat while the White House fidgets.

Item—As soon as Mr. Obama assumed office he immediately began a massive agitation to get certain legislation passed quickly. Passage of his economic stimulus package was so urgent that debate or even examination of the bill was out of the question. The government had to commit to spending $787 billion in taxpayer money right then and there or the sky would fall. Ditto for cap and trade and healthcare. There was absolutely no time to adequately debate and discuss either cap and trade and if it would in fact achieve the goals the administration claims, nor was there time to have an educated discussion about healthcare, as the President and his party are attempting to hijack 16% of the American Economy.

Item— On the first day after taking office Mr. Obama issued an order calling for the closing down of the Guantanamo Bay enemy combatants detention center all without having an alternative plan of what to do with the inmates of that august facility once it closed. The administration begged and cajoled friends and allies to take custody of some of these miscreants, but found very few takers. Now Americans are left with the possibility that many of these hardened terrorists and killers will find their way into the United States, placing all Americans in grave danger.

Item— Harping ceaselessly on the dangers of climate change, the President wants to spend trillions on so-called “clean energyâ€