Allen West K.O.'s MSNBC Nitwit

MSNBC, still promoting the now thoroughly discredited tea party = racist lie, tries to undercut Republican candidate for Congress Allen West and gets knocked out in the process.

May 07, 2010

NBC Reporter To Black Republican: Are You Aligning Yourself With The "Racism" In The Tea Party?

VIDEO at the link

MSNBC HOST: Lt. Col., our time is limited, but my last question to you. The Tea Party has raised concerns that it may have, I guess, racism built in it. We have seen some racist signs at past events. People have said that is not apart of the Tea Party movement, but are African-American candidates aligning themselves with the Tea Party?

LT. COL. ALLEN WEST (RET.): Well, I don't think they're so much aligning themselves with the Tea Party. The principles and values I espouse: limited government, lower taxes, individual responsibility, accountability, liberty and honoring the traditions of our Constitutional Republic are connecting me with those grassroots Americans that attend Tea Party rallies. And I've spoken to four or five of those rallies and I've not seen any racist type of signs.

Lt. Col. Allen West, retired, is a Republican Florida Congressional candidate. ... party.html