Thank God for Michelle Bachmann and Jan Brewer

Obama Days of Destruction: Day 62 for Gulf, Day 561 for USA

By Sher Zieve
Sunday, June 20, 2010

By now, there can be no more questions for the intelligent as to what Obama is doing. It is apparent to all who have functional brains and minds that the tyrant is summarily destroying the United States of America. And, no one—not even Republicans—are calling him on his unconstitutional actions and rule by fiat. In fact, most Republicans are not even speaking out strongly against the tyrant. Thank God for Michelle Bachmann and Jan Brewer.

Should an accurate history ever be written about The Obama, it will note his ability to surpass the actions of some of the most brutal dictators in history—including Stalin and Nero. And it will note that the real destructive mission of Dictator-in-Chief Obama began with its ultimate and no longer hidden brilliance (also known as “ultimate malevolenceâ€