State Senate leader Jones to reveal retirement plans today

August 18, 2008Recommend (6)

SPRINGFIELD -- Senate President Emil Jones is expected to announce his retirement plans today, stripping Gov. Blagojevich of his most vocal and reliable ally as the governor contemplates a third term.

The South Side Democrat, who has been in the Legislature since 1973 and led the Senate since 2003, told several members of his leadership team of his plans over the weekend.

» Click to enlarge image Illinois Senate President Emil Jones is expected to announce his retirement today.
(Al Podgorski/Sun-Times)

"I believe Emil is coming to the end of his time. He's tired," said one high-ranking Jones ally, who asked not to be identified but confirmed an announcement would be made today.

The timing of Jones' announcement comes as a surprise, given that as Barack Obama's political godfather in Illinois, he is planning on a high-profile role within the state's delegation at next week's Democratic convention in Denver.

Jones, a former city sewer inspector, endured criticism for taking tens of thousands of dollars in interest-free loans from his campaign fund and for multimillion-dollar, no-bid government contracts steered to a technology firm headed by his stepson, John Sterling.

One source indicated that Jones is likely to serve through the end of this year's session, scheduled to end in November. Other close allies insist Jones, 72, remains healthy.

Jones' announcement is sure to set off a mad scramble among Senate Democrats to take over the gavel. Among those are John Cullerton (Chicago), Terry Link (Vernon Hills), Rickey Hendon (Chicago), Jeff Schoenberg (Evanston) and James Clayborne (Belleville).

Jones is on the Nov. 4 ballot, making it likely he will turn over his seat to a hand-picked successor.

Jones' office did not return calls late Sunday. A spokesman for Blagojevich said he did not know anything about Jones' intentions. ... 8.article#

This is a perfect example of how they continue the corruption in Chicago.