Liberalist Special Interests Push Obamacare Despite Americans' Rejections

Today's Health Care Takeover Brought to You by...

The President has indicated he doesn't want to debate health care now, the Democrats lost a Senate seat in Massachusetts over it, and a solid majority of Americans oppose the plan.

So why is the liberal leadership plowing ahead on this kamikaze path?

For that, we need only to look at the special interest groups pushing them in that direction, as well as those who funnel millions of dollars to Democratic candidates.

Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is the granddaddy of them all.

With a $40 million budget, HCAN is a coalition of unions, pro-homosexual and pro-abortion groups that are housed in the heart of high dollar lobbyists at 1825 K St, NW in Washington, D.C. for the sole purpose of getting ObamaCare passed.

Many of the organizations in HCAN, including Planned Parenthood, AFL-CIO, and the YWCA, receive millions in taxpayer dollars to subsidize their lobbying.

Others in the coalition, such as the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), are also behind the thuggish attacks on the Tea Party movement and people opposing health care on the local level.

Many more filled the seats at various stages of the "health care" townhall meetings that starred President Obama.

Another recurrent theme of several of the groups that comprise HCAN is that they've received money from liberal billionaire George Soros and his friends.

With so much invested, is it any wonder HCAN doesn't want the health care overhaul bills to go away and continues to press Pelosi, Reid and the liberalist Dems?