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The Programmers Guild, an organization advocating for US-based computer professionals, is arguing that the prevailing wage protections in pending immigration legislation, such as the "SKIL Bill," authorize corporations to pay foreign tech workers $25,000 below the wage paid to average U.S. workers in the same professions, according to a July press release from the group.

The release states: "The General Accountability Office (GAO) reports that the Department of Labor (DOL) had approved thousands of H-1B applications, in spite of clear prevailing wage violations within the applications. But GAO did not consider whether the prevailing wages themselves were flawed. Had GAO evaluated the DOL's prevailing wages against actual U.S. wages, the number of violations might have exceeded one hundred thousand."

The Guild has falso filed over 300 complaints this year alone regarding companies H-1B hiring practices. Postings on online job boards such as Monster.com and Dice.com for "H-1B only" and "Americans need not apply" have become more common, they say. The group says the practice is discriminatory and have filed complaints with the U.S. Dept. of Justice.