AARP Raking in Billions of Dollars from Obamacare

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 7:59 AM Written by Justin Credible

The AARP was a leading supporter of President Obama and his Democrat ilk in Congress ramming Obamacare into law. They coordinated with top officials at the White House behind closed doors and ran ads showing their support of the law that actually hurts their own members. When the analysis is over, it's clear why the liberal radicals at the AARP supported the government takeover of the health care system: they're going to rake in billions of dollars.
The AARP, not coincidentally, received an Obamacare waiver. That's part of the benefit of being close with the most corrupt administration in modern American history. The issue is that the millions of senior citizens belonging to the AARP are going to get screwed as Medicare gets gutted to fund Obamacare, while the AARP profits. This message has been conveniently hidden by the elite media, as they refuse to discuss anything negative related to the law in order to protect their Dear Leader.
National Review detailed some of the aspects in Obamacare that will lead to billions of dollars in profit for the AARP:
According to an analysis by Representatives Wally Herger (R., Calif.) and Dave Reichert (R., Wash.), Obamacare’s cuts to the Medicare Advantage program, by driving seniors out of that program and back into traditional Medicare, could earn AARP over $1 billion over the next ten years, because AARP makes nearly half a billion dollars per year collecting royalties from supplemental Medigap policies sold by private insurers. Those Medigap policies are primarily sold to seniors in the traditional, government-run Medicare program.

In other words, AARP is poised to make billions thanks to Obamacare’s cuts to Medicare Advantage. As it is, the interest group makes almost twice from its Medigap royalties what it gets in membership dues. So it’s no wonder that AARP supported Medicare cuts that would be unpopular with seniors: Its own financial interests won out.

Democrats considered reforming the Medigap system instead of cutting Medicare’s payments to hospitals and doctors. But AARP fought those reforms, and they were left out of the bill. A separate analysis by Senator Jim DeMint (R., S.C.) calculates that keeping Medigap reform out of Obamacare saved AARP another $1.8 billion over ten years. That’s a total of $2.8 billion, with billions more in future profits.

Furthermore, AARP’s Medigap plans were exempted from nearly all of Obamacare’s key insurance regulations, such as its restrictions on insurer operating margins; bans on exclusions of preexisting conditions; and caps on executive compensation.

If the elite media wasn't so in the tank for Obama, this would be a major issue in the news cycle - so long as they avoid any foreign policy blunders of Obama. The AARP is a liberal front group that's putting profits in front of their members. Senior citizens are going to get screwed by Obamacare.

Justin Credible is a contributing editor for Habledash.

AARP Raking in Billions of Dollars from Obamacare | Habledash