PA State Legislator Attacked By Soros/MoveOn.Org-Connected VoteVets.Org
Operation Free exposed as front group working to subvert America's Constitution and sovereignty through climate control, energy cap-and-tax agenda

Pennsylvania State Representative Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler County) officially responded today to an attack ad now running on KDKA radio and several other local stations urging listeners to contact his district office and demand that he resign.

"The sponsors of this ad are attacking me because my comments have exposed that Operation Free's radical leftist agenda has absolutely nothing to do with America's national security, energy independence or protecting our environment, but is a direct attack on our Constitution," said Metcalfe, a U.S. Army veteran whose honorable service record between1980-84 includes defending the West German border during the height of the Cold War.

Operation Free is a front group for a vast "non-profit" coalition that includes the Truman National Security Project, the National Security Network and the sponsor of the ad campaign supports a far-left group of state and national politicians, including U.S. Congressman John Murtha. All of these groups are affiliated and receive funding from billionaire George Soros and his even more controversial political organization

"I stand by my original comments," said Metcalfe. "Any veteran lending their name to promote the leftist propaganda of global warming and climate change, in an effort to control more of the wealth created in the U.S. economy, through cap-and-tax type policies, is a traitor to the oath he or she took to defend the Constitution of our great nation. If someone is advocating for our government to make statutory or regulatory changes in policy or enter into treaties that violate our Constitution, and they have taken an oath to uphold and protect that same document, then they are traitors to that oath.

"Operation Free and stand with the likes of Congressman John Murtha, who accused our marines of killing 'innocent civilians in cold blood.' I stand with the vast super majority of my fellow veterans in defense of the U.S. Constitution," concluded Metcalfe.

Rep. Daryl Metcalfe
12th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
(724) 772-3110
(717) 783-1707
Contact: Ty McCauslin
(717) 772-9979 ... itemid=567