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Two women teachers caught on tape abusing 10year-old autistic boy after his father fitted him with secret recorder

One of the two teachers has been fired - the other remains at the school

By Emine Sinmaz
Mail Online

When single father Stuart Chaifetz was told his 10-year-old autistic son was being violent in school, he knew something was wrong.

Akian had always been a gentle, loving boy, and the school�s description of him was so out of character that he sent his son to school with a hidden tape recorder to find out what was really going on.

That evening, when he listened to the six-and-a-half hours of audio, his life changed forever.

Not only were Akian�s teachers at Horace Mann Elementary in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, talking about being drunk at school and sex, and gossiping about pupils and their parents, they were also taunting, shouting and swearing at his son.

�What I heard on that audio was so disgusting, vile, and just an absolute disrespect, and bullying, of my son that happened not by other children, but by his teacher, and the aides, the people that were supposed to protecting him. They were literally making my son�s life a living hell,' Chaifetz said.

Read more here
'Oh Akian, you are a bas***d!': Father records teachers bullying his 10-year-old AUTISTIC son | Mail Online

This story needs to be heard.

It's the story of Akian Chaifetz, a 10-year-old autistic boy whose
teachers were bullying and psychologically tormenting him until his
father sent him to school with a hidden tape recorder.

Akian's father, Stuart, says that listening to the audio that
evening 'changed his life forever'.

Sadly, the abuse of disabled children in schools is epidemic.

You might remember my recent post on the Rotenberg Center's
'aversion therapy' or perhaps you're familiar with the story of
10-year-old Jose Salinas, who has cerebral palsy and was cruelly
taunted by his teachers in Wicksburg, Alabama.

Do these people have degrees for this stuff, or do they just hire
the biggest pieces of trash that apply for the job?


Schools are prisons: NJ father records TEACHERS bullying his autistic child

Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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