National Propaganda Radio Enforces Sharia In America by Firing Juan Williams

2010 October 22
by Joseph Klein

Good News: NPR Ends Analyst’s Contract After Comments on #Muslims –
1:56 AM Oct 21st

CAIR National

Islamists believe that virtually any statement critical of Islam, its prophet Muhammad or devout members of the Muslim community is false and a violation of sharia law. Now it appears that NPR has dutifully gone along with enforcing sharia law against its only black male employee, Juan Williams. And, since NPR receives some funding from taxpayer dollars, NPR has tainted the federal government with its action suppressing free speech.

Then there is George Soros, whom I have previously said will do whatever he needs to do to intimidate his opponents. Since Juan Williams has allowed himself to be associated with Soros’ public enemy #1 Fox News, Williams obviously had no place on any network receiving any Soros money.

Soros, NPR, CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood all share one thing in common. They despise free speech when it means the expression of views they find uncomfortable to deal with. It seems to me that someone else rather important appears to share that view, at least when it comes to dealing with Fox News. Oh yes, now I remember. President Barack Hussein Obama.

Joseph A. Klein is the author of a new book entitled Lethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, the United Nations and Radical Islam.