Oakland Property Owner ‘Racks’ Shotgun, Deters Occupy Vandals

November 7, 2011
by Sam Rolley

Protestors in Oakland, Calif., have become increasingly involved in violence; this prompted one man to defend his property from the rioters with a shotgun.

An Oakland, Calif., developer, fed up with the antics of Occupy protesters trying to break into the building where his office is located during riotous moments late last Wednesday, walked outside with a loaded shotgun to discourage the vandals.

Phil Tagami, who recently oversaw a $50 million renovation project on the office building, said he is tired of watching the so-called peaceful protesters destroy property and the town’s image and was unwilling to allow them to break into his building, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c ... 1LQ5FU.DTL

“I was standing there and they saw me there, and I lifted it — I didn’t point it — I just held it in my hands,â€