a vote from a Democrat is a vote for no freedom, no liberty, no individualism, no prosperity, and no American dream

Do Not Mistake An Independent For A Moderate

By Ron Marr
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Life is funny. A year ago Barack Obama thought that he had a mandate to rule – not govern, but rule – as a totalitarian dictator. Now, it turns out the only mandate he can count on is dinner and a movie with Representative Bawney Fwank.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. In the days leading up to Scott Brown’s amazing victory in Massachusetts, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of their misbegotten ilk were publicly stating how they would ram socialized healthcare through Congress regardless of the election’s outcome. In the immediate hours following Brown’s sweep, they persisted in their tirades, following the arrogant path they have walked since January 20, 2010.

And then, it all changed. Acting as if the veil had been lifted from their eyes, leading liberals suddenly claimed an epiphany. Those folks who attended the tea parties and town meetings last summer – the ones the leftists labeled as radicals, terrorists, and Nazis – were no longer just a bunch of hick malcontents. They were visionaries. The wishes of the electorate, which Obama and company had ignored as simply the drooling grunts of a bunch of stupid citizens, were transformed into the font of all wisdom.
Liberals hate all who would disagree with their warped, Utopian dream of a Stalinist state

Don’t believe a word of this. Liberal politicians change their strategy and alleged “convictionsâ€